Exchanges or returns
You have 14 days to decide if you are satisfied with the article. You will get your money back for all returned items, provided that the items are in the original condition. This means that the items are not damaged, dirty, washed, altered or worn and that all labels are still on the article. Packers, Dildos and Vibrators must be returned in the original packaging due to hygiene.
When returning, always enclose the, in your order attached, the invoice and write us what you want to return or exchange . So we know exactly what you want and we will be able to process your return faster and better. If you return the item, the shipping costs for the return will be at your expense.
Send us the article back, but first contact us at 030-55874525.
Mail us feedback and Comments:
TT / Exclusivitaeten
Kreuzberstr. 37/38
2. Aufgang 1.St. rechts
D-10965 Berlin
Money Back
If you've returned your items by post and they are in good condition, we will refund the amount paid. Please send us your bank account, we do not save these informations for security reasons.
You have 14 days to determine if you are satisfied with the article. If you want to exchange the item for a different size or color, you have to pay extra shipping costs. Check whether the garment is still in its original condition. The items must not be damaged, dirty, washed, altered or worn and all labels or labels must remain on the article. Packers, Dildos and Vibrators must still be in the original packaging due to hygiene.
Custom-made and the reduced individual pieces are excluded from exchange!